星期六, 10月 15, 2016


Why Isn't The Sky Purple?

Upside Down Mountains in Real Life

Aliens: Are We Looking in the Wrong Place?

GPS, relativity, and nuclear detection

The Tides

How far is a second?

Why is the Solar System Flat?

Why the solar system can exist

Where is the True North Pole?

Why The Full Moon is Better in Winter

What is Sea Level?

玩石碎碎念ep6 變質岩(有字幕要開!!)


玩石碎碎念ep4 岩石薄片怎麼製作?

玩石碎碎念ep3 火成岩(下)

玩石碎碎念ep3 火成岩(上)

玩石碎碎念ep2 礦物是什麼?

玩石碎碎念ep1 三大岩類的循環

玩石碎碎念 《野外特輯》之時尚大比拼

玩石碎碎念 《野外特輯》之裝備篇

玩石碎碎念 《野外特輯》之地質系的學生出野外都在幹嘛?? (要開字幕喔!!)